
Abes Odysee - Tips & Cheats

in Tips & Tricks 20.04.2003 19:14
von Pinky Brain • Bienchen | 294 Beiträge

Level Select:
At the title screen hold R1 press down, right, left, right, square, triangle, circle, square, right, left.

View all Movies
At the title screen hold R1 press up, left, right, square, circle, triangle, square, right, left, up, right.

Green Fart
During the game hold R1 press up, left, right, square, circle, X.

Solve Voice Puzzles
During the game press and hold R1 press triangle, up, circle, left, X, down, square and right. Voice puzzles can be solved with a single sound.

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RE: Abes Odysee - Tips & Cheats

in Tips & Tricks 30.07.2008 18:12
von Susasami • Admin - Das Hausekel ;) | 2.476 Beiträge

Das werde ich dann man in Tips & Tricks verschieben! ^^

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RE: Abes Odysee - Tips & Cheats

in Tips & Tricks 30.07.2008 19:09
von Gohan • Schreiberling | 646 Beiträge


Na da schau her, da haben wir ja was richtig feines!

Da werde ich das Game doch glatt mal wieder rauskramen!


"In all my Life ( my family included) I met people who know very well, how it is to survive in war and the time after. For those people the war was and IS not a Game and not Fun. They suffer till this day on account of the war. Germans and foreign a like. Because of this I don't like War Games very much!" - S.Hänsgen - April 2010

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